Dear Friends and Loyal Customers,
After much reflection and heartfelt consideration, we’ve decided to close our beloved storefront to embark on an exciting new journey. This decision wasn’t easy, but it’s time to pursue another dream that’s been close to our hearts. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and cherished memories over the years. We will be moving the store to an all online platform, so Olsons Corner will still exist, it’ll just look a little different. You will have the option to pick up if local 💚 we hope all of our loyal friends and family will continue to shop local, online☺️ We have also expanded our spot at Shoppe 218 in Crosslake, so please shop when in Crosslake!
Our last day at the store front will be Saturday, June 15th!
Stay tuned for what’s next, it’s gonna be big and we cannot wait til we can share it with you! ☺️
With gratitude and excitement,
Tami and Ben Olson
Olsons Corner Keepsakes

35746 Allen Ave
Crosslake, Minnesota 56442


Do you have any questions?

We are here to help you however we can! 

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